Form Fitting Floating Fun in the Sun!
H2OChills is all about enjoying time in the water, and in order to help you maximize your water time, we've put together a calendar of important water events. At some of these events, H2OChills will be a sponsor, at others we might just be found relaxing and having fun, still at others, H2OChills may not be able to attend at all, but that doesn't mean that you can't be there, rocking your H2OChills gear and documenting your fun! And whenever that's the case, don't forget to share with us your pictures, videos, stories, and more!
To have your event listed here, please share details with us via email -- be sure to include event name, date(s), location, and a link to the event website.
** APRIL 2012 **
** MAY 2012 ** Aqua Girl May 2nd - May 6th - Surfcomber Hotel in South Beach, FL Texas River Marathon 39-Mile Race from Cuero Highway to Victoria City Park May 5th - Cuero Highway 236, TX NJ Surf Show May 12th - The Surf Club in Ortley Beach, NJ ** JUNE 2012 ** MidWest Boat Party June 8th - June 10th - Perry Lake Party Cove in Perry, KS Texas Water Safari World's Toughest Boat Race: 260+ miles, less than 100 hours June 9th - San Marcos, TX B.C. Bash A Caveman Calamity June 14th - June 17th - Langlade, WI BROstock The World's Best Wakeboard Contest June 15th - June 16th - Lake of the Ozarks, MO FATFAR FrenchTown's Annual Tube Float And Regalia June 17th - Chippewa Falls, WI Sandusky Bay Barge Party June 30th - Sandusky, OH |
** JULY 2012 **
World's Largest Pontoon Party July 14th - Sunrise Beach, MO AquaPalooza July 21st - Dog Days Restaurant in Osage Beach, MO Shoreline Boat Center's Boat Jam A band, on a barge, in a bay on Green Lake! July 22nd - Norwegian Bay in Green Lake, WI Okauchee Lake Tie-Up July 28th - Okauchee Lake in Oconomowoc, WI Sandusky Bay Barge Party July 28th - Sandusky, OH ** AUGUST 2012 ** Hawaiian Beach Party August 10th - August 11th - Float-Rite Park in Somerset, WI Viva Langlade What happens at the Rafting Party stays at the Rafting Party August 16th - August 19th - Langlade, WI ** SEPTEMBER 2012 ** |
With any of your questions, comments, concerns, inquiries, and product improvement ideas, please contact us at: [email protected].
Our success means your water fun!
Our success means your water fun!